Old School Strength Training - Strength Training eBooks, videos, pictures, History.
Books included so far:
Eugen Sandow - 1897 - "Strength & How to obtain it"
Barnard Macfadden - 1915 - "Vitality Supreme"
Barnard Macfadden - 1900 - "Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise"
Actually, lots of people use old-school training methods.
More and more, fitness enthusiasts are going back to older, time-tested methods of getting in shape; methods that were mostly ignored in the last few decades.
"Old school" training was all about the relationship between man and metal. Instead of advanced engineering and complicated multi-press machines, bodybuilders focused on barbells and dumbbells.
Modern bodybuilding-style isolation exercises are falling by the wayside, replaced by full-body compound movements that provide real “functional” strength. You know, there’s just something that’s beautiful in the simplicity of the old school workouts.
In a sense, old-school training was stripped down to the basics; no over-thinking, no over-supplementing, no worries about over-training, no sweet-smelling gyms with top 40 hits piping in at all hours.
Old School uses bodyweight training and old time physical culture to develop explosive, agile, mobile athletes and they use a many types of exercises, not just pushing on a machine in one direction.
Old-school bodybuilding was all about intensity and frequency; punishing your muscles until they could handle no more, resting just long enough to get more fuel in the tank, and then going right back at it. It was not the standard three sets of 10 reps, sometimes it was 40 reps until you cant move!
They used the basic equipment of barbells and dumbbells, rather than all of the fancy machines you see today. They used free weights in a wide range of motion.
This app contains Eugen Sandow and Bernarr Macfadden books and time passes we will be adding more books from different men of the Old School Strength Training era.
"Perhaps more than any other individual, Macfadden bears responsibility for pioneering what has become the American obsession with diet,
health and fitness. With a stable of publications and ancillary enterprises, he built a movement and a market that that can be traced from
the early 20th century through Charles Atlas and Jack Lalanne at mid-century to Arnold Schwarzenegger and countless exercise gurus of more
recent vintage. Without Bernarr Macfadden, there would likely be no Gold's gyms, and no South Beach Diet, for that matter." - Wall Street