Let's face it, big muscles command respect and attention.
No matter where you go or who your with, once you someone with a well developed body, you immediately check that person out and think "wow, she looks great!" or "man, that guy's built like a house!".
How many times have you seen a well developed individual enter a room and your eyes immediately fall on the physique and shape of that person's body?
If there is one question that I get from hardgainers and hard core weight trainers is "how do I get big muscles fast?". It's totally understandable because big muscles add to the respect and admiration from your peers and from other people around you.
If you play sports, strength and big muscles can give you a huge advantage over just about anyone else on the ice, court or field. Big muscles kind of levels the playing field between those who have good genetics and those who don't.
If you're tired of being skinny and want to add some respectful size, than big muscles can do that. You simply need to the knowledge on how to get big muscle. Imgaine adding 10, 20 or even 30 pounds of muscle mass to your frame and filling out most of your clothes?
This is what having hard, dense muscle mass can do and probably why I get asked how to build more muscle mass. They give you a step up whether you want to look good or play better. And it's always fascinating to watch your muscles get bigger and bigger.
As you get stronger and stronger, your body transform's into a well developed and powerful machine. As time goes on, you'll soon notice that more and more eyes are starting to check you out and a respectful gaze will come over your peers and people you don't even know. At this point, you'll know how to get big muscle and can apply that knowledge anytime you want.
So, how do you build muscle mass?
I'll tell you right now that anyone can get strong and build quality muscle mass. You can be the skinniest and weakest person in your school/work with the worst genetics and I gaurantee you, that if you do follow the right information and use the correct steps, you can get big muscles fast. However, you must be committed and do this intelligently.
This is where most beginners and hardgainers have trouble, it's following the right information. Alot of times,a beginner will look in the muscle magazines and see an article on how to get big muscle fast and see one of the pro's using a high intensity/high volume approach to training and will attempt to use this type of training.
This isn't how you should be going about building muscle mass and strength. You see, the pro bodybuilder has something most beginners don't and that's inner body awareness. Pro body builders have anywhere from 5 to 20 years of training under their belts and they know what works and what doesn't for their body type. Plus their eating around 7,000 calories a day and more often than not, taking in massive amounts of steroids.
This will not work for the average weight trainer or for a seasoned lifter for that matter. With that in mind, I'd like to give you some information about how you can add quality muscle mass to your frame.
This program is for 6 to 8 weeks and is designed to add some quality beef to your frame. Once you've finished, you can continue with your other training programs (or keep on it), whatever your choice.
The first thing you need to on how to build muscle is to design an intelligent training routine and clear your mind about how the pro's are doing it. In order to get big muscles, you need to design a weight training routine that uses alot of compound movements such as the squat, bench press, shoulder press, and rows.
I know, you've probably heard it before but I'm going to say it again, forget about the isolation exercises like cable cross overs and start using heavy compound movements like squats and dead lifts.
The second thing you need to remember about how to get big muscle and the training routine is rest. You need lot's of it. Train each muscle group once a week and hit them hard and heavy. Follow this up with alot of rest and you'll be on your way to gaining big muscles.
Forget about doing aerobics, the only time you need to do this is on your warm up.
I know, you don't want to gain fat but trust me, your priority is to get big muscles and the only way to do this is to lift big and eat big.
The third thing you need to do on how to get big muscle is to eat big, and eat consistently.
If you can get this down, I'll gaurantee you that you'll be well on your way to getting big muscles.
Forget about doing aerobics, the only time you need to do this is on your warm up.
I know, you don't want to gain fat but trust me, your priority is to get big muscles and the only way to do this is to lift big and eat big.
The third thing you need to do on how to get big muscle is to eat big, and eat consistently.
If you can get this down, I'll gaurantee you that you'll be well on your way to getting big muscles.
Here's a sample workout on how to get big muscle:
Day one: Chest, triceps
Day two: Legs, hamstrings calves
Day three: Rest
Day four: Back, and biceps
Day five: Shoulders, and abs
Day six: Rest
Day seven: Rest
This is a two day one one day off split routine. This workout routine is designed to provide your body with the optimal amount of time necessary for muscle recuperation. Remember the following points:
-For the first week, use moderate weights. Thereafter, use heavy weight and try to increase the weight by 5% to 10% for each consecutive week;
-5 to 10 minutes on the stationary bike to warm up before each workout;
-Rest about 2 minutes in between each set;
-Stretch your muscles immediately after your workout;
-Perform a warm up set of 15 reps before each exercise with 40% of your maximum;
-Get some quality nutrients into your body immediately after your workout such as a protein drink or shake - Immediately! - Don't wait until you get home, have a protein/carb drink as soon as you've put down the weight.
Here are the exercise to be performed and method:
Day one:
Bench Press

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 10 reps
Week three:
4 x 8 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
2 x 6 reps
2 x 4 reps
Incline press

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 10 reps
Week three:
4 x 8 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week five:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Flat bench fly

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 reps
Close grip bench press

Week one:
3 x 12 to 15 reps
Week two:
3 x 10 to 12 reps
Week three:
2 x 10 reps
2 x 8 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week five:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Overhead extensions

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 8 reps
Day two:

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 10 reps
Week three:
4 x 8 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Leg press

Weeks 1 to 6 : 4 x 12 reps
Leg Extensions

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 to 15 reps
Stiff leg dead lifts

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 reps
Leg curls

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 reps
Standing calf raises

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 15 reps
Day four:
Dead lifts

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 10 reps
Week three:
4 x 8 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Bent over rowing

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 12 reps
Week three:
4 x 10 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Lat machine pull downs

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 reps
Standing barbell curls:

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 12 reps
Week three:
4 x 10 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Seated alternate dumbbell curls:

Weeks 1 to 6 : 3 x 12 reps
Day five:
Seated press behind the neck:

Week one:
3 x 12 reps
Week two:
4 x 12 reps
Week three:
4 x 10 reps
Week four:
4 x 8 reps
Week six:
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
Week six:
4 x 6 reps
Seated dumbbell press:

Weeks 1 to 6 : 4 x 8 reps

Weeks 1 to 6 : 4 x 15 reps
The above weight training routine is to be followed for a minimum of 6 weeks. If after 6 weeks, you're satisfied, you can either use another routine or you can keep on going until it goes stale.
To see full descriptions, please see building muscle 101's weight lifting exercise page here.
If you're wondering what to eat to get big muscles, you'll need a steady meal schedule. The meal schedule must contain the necessary calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat to sustain a healthy increase in lean body weight.
If you’re wondering how to gain weight fast, this is the solution. To gain weight, you need to eat - On a consistent basis - more calories on a daily basis than your body burns.
Consistency is the key. If you can get this down, I can almost guarantee your success. I would venture to guess this is one of the most misunderstood topics of gaining weight and probably the number one reason why hard gainers don’t get big muscles. If you don't know what to eat, I suggest you go to building muscle 101's gain weight diet page, click here.
You will see how the diet is structured and what you need to eat in order to get big muscles.
To find out how much rest you need, I suggest you click here to find out what you need to get the proper amount of rest in order to get big muscles.