A six week cycle, training three times a week, aiming to increase the 1RM by 5%. Alternate light and heavy days are used. The intensity is fixed for the first three weeks, whilst the volume is increased. In the second three weeks, the volume is decreased, whilst the intensity rises to a new 1RM.

Key: Percentage of 1RM x Repetitions x Sets.
Week One

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
80% 2×6     80% 3×6     80% 2×6

Week Two

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
80% 4×6     80% 2×6     80% 5×6

Week Three

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
80% 2×6     80% 6×6     80% 2×6

Week Four

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
85% 5×5     80% 2×6     90% 4×4

Week Five

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
80% 2×6     95% 3×3     80% 2×6

Week Six

Monday        Wednesday     Friday
70% 2         70% 2         70% 2
75% 2         75% 2         75% 2
100% 2×2     80% 2×6    105% 1